Stem Cell Therapy for Arthritis

We already know that mesenchymal stem cells are effective in treating arthritis.

Over 65 years old, 1/2 are arthritis

What is arthritis?

Joints are the parts of our body where bones meet, providing movement and support. They are used about 100,000 times a day and approximately 2.9 billion times over a lifetime. Arthritis often occurs in frequently used joints such as the knees, fingers, elbow and wrists.

Arthritis refers to a group of inflammatory diseases affecting the joints, causing symptoms such as pain, swelling, stiffness, and reduced range of motion. There are various causes and forms of arthritis, with the most common types being osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

  • Osteoarthritis: A degenerative joint disease that naturally occurs with aging, as the cartilage protecting the joints wears down, leading to bone friction, pain, swelling, and limited movement.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis: An autoimmune disorder where the immune system mistakenly attacks the joints, causing inflammation and pain. This can lead to damage and deformity of the joints.

Other forms of arthritis include infectious arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and gout.

Worldwide, 22% of adults over the age of 40 are affected by arthritis.*

1st Stage (Early Stage):
Minor bone damage or slight cartilage wear begins, and symptoms may be almost nonexistent or mild. In the early stages of arthritis, changes on X-rays may be minimal or not observed.

2nd Stage (Moderate Stage):
Cartilage damage progresses further, and the space between joints begins to narrow. Pain and discomfort occur more frequently at this stage, and stiffness in the joints may occur after activity.

3rd Stage (Severe Stage):
Cartilage is significantly worn down, and the space between joints becomes very narrow. This results in limited joint movement and severe pain during activity. Inflammation and joint deformity may occur, causing significant inconvenience in daily life.

4th Stage (End Stage):
At this stage, the cartilage is almost completely worn away, causing bones to rub against each other. This leads to severe pain and loss of mobility, as well as significant joint deformity and functional impairment. Surgical intervention may sometimes be necessary.

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    Beneficial actions of stem cells in diabetes:

    What are the results of stem cell therapy for arthritis?

    We have experienced many positive changes in arthritis patients with stem cell therapy.

    Our stem cell treatment offers a more comprehensive approach to arthritis care than traditional methods. By directly injecting key components that were difficult to administer through conventional treatments, we target both the symptoms and the root causes of the condition.

    More than 88% of the patients we have treated have experienced significant improvements.

     ※ Patient Testimonials (Based on 1,250 patient responses):

    Significant Improvement
    Partial Improvement

    Stem cell role in arthritis treatment

    Controlling blood sugar levels
    Reduces inflammation
    Encourages cells to repair themselves
    Promotes β cell function
    Prevention of cell death
    Regulation of the immune function
    Controlling blood sugar levels
    Metabolic hormone resistance control
    Deeper sleep
    Common Symptoms Before Treatment

    Do you experience any of the following symptoms?

    • Painful grinding of bone against bone
    • Creaking sensation
    • Influx of bone and cartilage fragments into the joint
    • Inflammation that accelerates cartilage damage
    • After all the cartilage wears away, serious joint damage occurs over time
    ⇒ This leads to decreased mobility, constant pain, sleepless nights, difficulty performing everyday movements, and a reduction in the quality of life.
    Our Arthritis Treatments

    After treatment with UC-MSC

    We target painful joints with mesenchymal stem cells derived from the umbilical cord. Once administered, these stem cells can divide and replace inflamed or damaged bone and cartilage cells.

    • They migrate to the site of damage.
    • Communicate with surrounding cells to induce change.
    • Encourage existing damaged cells to self-repair.
    • Regulate the immune system and reduce inflammation.
    • Increase the production of synovial fluid and improve lubrication.

    Our Team Doctors' Advice

    ※ Having arthritis means that inflammation is already present throughout the body. Therefore, we recommend adding stem cell intravenous injections for overall bodily recovery.
    ※ To administer a local injection directly into the joint, it’s necessary to understand the patient’s current condition, and imaging data (x-ray) is essential.

    Benefits of Our Stem Cell Therapy

    Promotes cell regeneration by stem cell therapy

    Promotes cell regeneration

    Prevention of degenerative diseases by stem cell therapy

    Prevention of degenerative diseases

    Safety and No rejection reaction of stem cell therapy

    Safety and No rejection reaction

    Effective and Speedily healing

    Easy and less invasive

    Natural Tissue Healing by stem cell therapy

    Natural Tissue Healing

    High & long effect using young cells

    High & long effect using young cells

    Sterility Tested in GMP LABoratory

    Sterility Tested in GMP LAB

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