Umbilical Cord Derived Stem Cells

The youngest and highest potential adult stem cells

Youngest adult stem cells

What is an umbilical cord?

It is an organ that supplies all the cells and nutrients the fetus needs for growth from the mother. Here, you can obtain ‘Hematopoietic stem cells’ that produce blood and the immune system, and ‘Mesenchymal stem cells’ that can multi-differentiate into human organs.

Of these two types of stem cells, we select mesenchymal stem cells for regeneration. Umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells are abbreviated as UC-MSC.

The umbilical cord normally contains two umbilical arteries, a single umbilical vein, an obliterated allantois duct, all surrounded by Wharton’s jelly and contained within an outer layer of amnion.

Why umbilical cord stem cells are excellent

The youngest stem cells, UCMSCs

stem cell decreased by age

The number of tissue stem cells in bone marrow in their 80s is reduced to 1/200 compared to newborns.*

The changes in cells with age are as follows.:

  • Stem cells aging
  • Decrease in cell count
  • Reduced regenerative ability
  • Decreased differentiation ability
  • DNA damage
  • Mutation occurs
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Special Stem Cell, UC-MSC​

The characteristics of umbilical cord stem cells?

UC-MSCs is the youngest and the greatest potential cell that can be obtained from humans. Because these are undifferentiated cells.


High proliferation capacity

Proliferation ability and speed 4 times faster than adult cells.*


Excellent differentiation power

Aging stem cells have a short differentiation function, but undifferentiated umbilical cord stem cells are capable of continuous differentiation.


Low immunogenicity

There is No immune rejection reaction or side effects, because it is a undifferentiated allogeneic cell.

Commonly Treated Conditions

Area of Application

Many researchs indicates that Umbilical cord tissue derived stem cells have the potential to cure and treat various chronic medical illness and disorders, muscle, nerve cells and tissue. Another analysis shows that these stem cells have the unique power to rapidly differentiate and regenerate themselves. This capability have very special priceless ability for aged tissue treatments.

These powerful and safe umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells can be applied to a variety of diseases. Many patients have already gained hope and a healthy future with this treatment. Generally applicable diseases are as follows:

Treatable diseases

UCMSC Stem cells application_rejuvenation

Rejuvenation (Anti-ageing)

Youthful appearance, increased energy and libido, improved mental performance, and physical performance, reduced aches and pains, and improved immune system. Explore More



Reduces inflammation, re-grows cartilage, reduces joint pain, improves mobility, joint stability and reduces medication requirements. Explore More



Reduced glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), reduced fasting blood sugar, reduced inflammatory markers, reduced enuresis, and increased energy. Explore More

stem cell therapy for neurological disease

Neurological diseases

MCI*, Dementia, Parkinson’s:
Reduces progression, improves cognitive function, and improves language skills.Explore More

stem cell therapy for multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis

Reduces lesions, improves mobility, reduces pain, improves fatigue, and improves cognitive function. Explore More



Positive changes such as improved attention, reduced hyperactivity, and decreased impulsivity. Explore More

stem cell therapy for autism


Improved eye contact, communication and understanding, and reduced behavioral disorders and repetitive behaviors.

Immune disorders Stem Cell Treatment

Immune disorders

Modulates immunity, reduces inflammation, reduces fatigue, reduces and improves pain, reduces skin rashes.

stem cell therapy for cerebral palsy

Cerebral palsy

Reduces spasticity, improves spasticity, improves balance and coordination, reduces seizures, and improves learning and language skills.

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※ References

  1. Blood cells refer to ‘hematopoietic stem cells’, and regenerative cells refer to ‘mesenchymal cells’.
  2. Side effects immediately after cell treatment include dizziness, headache, and pain at the needle site, but all improve within 1 day.
  3. Safety and effectiveness of umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells: Curr Neurovasc Res. 2013. (These are the results of clinical trials with umbilical cord mesenchymal cells in medical and research facilities that have secured safety and toxicity tests.)
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